Navigating the Online Marketing Universe #HITMC17
I am excited to be presenting again at the Healthcare IT Marketing and PR Conference. This year’s topic is Navigating the Online Marketing Universe and my focus is giving some insights into all the different online marketing channels being used by healthcare marketers. While many marketers are familiar with these channels, at last year’s conference I spoke with many recent graduates and people who had recently joined their marketing team after years in another career and were hungry for information. Even long time marketers may not be familiar with the channels they aren’t using. The map below shows my view of the online marketing universe. It is a high level…
The Real Story about Marketing Automation Solutions
In April 2016 I was honored to be one of the speakers at the Healthcare IT Marketing and PR Conference held in Atlanta. The conference is an exciting opportunity for marketers from all aspects of Healthcare to get together and learn tips, tricks, best practices and network with a small group of dedicated professionals. The conference is one of the highlights of my year. My presentation was about Marketing Automation solutions such as Marketo, Pardot, and Eloqua. Most people don’t realize how challenging, and yet wonderful they can be. Below are my slides and I would love to answer any questions you may have directly. The Real Story About Marketing…
Marketing Tactics You Should Try Today
Last year I presented at the 2nd Annual Healthcare IT Marketing and PR Conference. It was one of the most useful marketing conferences I have attended and I highly suggest it to anyone in healthcare IT. The topic of my presentation was “Marketing Tactics You Should Try Today”. It focused in on some of the more successful ways I have found to reach physician practices. Below are the slides I presented. Marketing Tactics You Should Try Today presented at HITMC from Cheryl Pederzoli