Navigating the Online Marketing Universe #HITMC17
I am excited to be presenting again at the Healthcare IT Marketing and PR Conference. This year’s topic is Navigating the Online Marketing Universe and my focus is giving some insights into all the different online marketing channels being used by healthcare marketers. While many marketers are familiar with these channels, at last year’s conference I spoke with many recent graduates and people who had recently joined their marketing team after years in another career and were hungry for information. Even long time marketers may not be familiar with the channels they aren’t using.
The map below shows my view of the online marketing universe. It is a high level overview of the most commonly used marketing channels. Click the image to get a better look or right click to download it.
You can download the presentation here Navigating the Online Marketing Universe with Cheryl Pederzoli
In the presentation, I reference an excel template I use to compare campaign results. If you are interested, you can download the excel template here xls file.
If you have any questions about what I presented or would like me to present for you, please give me a call or send me an email.