Blog,  Marketing TIps and Tricks

5 Marketing Tricks From the Healthcare IT and PR Conference (HITMC)

Last week I attended and presented at the Healthcare IT Marketing and PR Conference (HITMC) in Las Vegas and walked away with a number of new things to try.

1. To build the “wow” factor during presentations, schedule tweets to post out as you are presenting. It makes it easier for your audience to share your message and is a great way to share the links and resources you are talking about. The effectiveness is dependent on having perfect timing so practice your presentation at least a few times.

2. Treat your content like Thanksgiving turkey. Create it and then carve it up into smaller pieces you can use in other venues.  For example, write a white paper, then create an infographic from the content, present it as a webinar, cut into smaller articles or blog posts, use as a sales handout, etc. This was a concept mentioned by a number of presenters and while many of have heard this before, we can all use a reminder.

3. If you would like your brand to participate in a Twitter chat but you are challenged with getting the experts engaged, schedule a normal meeting with them prior to the chat to pick their brain. Many scheduled Twitter chats post the topics a few days early.  Schedule a meeting with the experts in your group a day or two before the chat and ask them for answers to the questions being asked.  Then you can participate with the information they gave you ahead of time.

4. You can improve your Google Page Rank just by improving the time your site takes to load.  Remember, at least 600 words on a page is good. Content that is hidden on a page when it first loads and requires a click or action by a visitor to see it will not be seen by Google.  Also be sure you have a mobile friendly site or you will start to lose out on traffic with the latest Google search changes.

5. If you struggle with getting new case studies, try a customer interview for your blog instead. Without the formality of a case study, it is generally easier to find a client who will participate and get approval to publish.

While this isn’t all I learned, these are the ideas I’m going to bring back to my team to try out this year.

I would love to hear what new marketing ideas are you going to try out in 2015!